Scenic and flexible mountain cycling Mjølkevegen
Friendly terrain with beautiful surroundings
Scenic and flexible mountain cycling route

“Mjølkevegen” has been voted one of the most attractive cycling routes in Norway, and with good reason. The route runs through beautiful mountain landscapes, and you'll pass through several mountain summer farm areas. The entire route from Vinstra to Gol is at approx. 250 km, but can easily be divided into shorter sections and loops. The main route is thoroughly marked.

You can also combine this tour with hiking, swimming, fishing and visits to traditional mountain farms, and enjoy a wide variety of experiences along the way. 

Specially recommended for

Perfect for those seeking an active vacation. 


Parts of Mjølkevegen are perfect for families. 

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Friendly terrain with beautiful surroundings Experience beautiful mountain areas and cycle through one of Norway's largest summer farm areas along the way.
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Plenty of add-on activities There are plenty of small (and not so small) detours available, for those who would like to combine this cycling trip with hiking, fishing or other activities.
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Self-guided tours with luggage transfers available Sections of this cycling route is available as self-guided trips with luggage transfers between accommodations.
Go all in or pick your favorite part

The entire route from Vinstra to Gol is at approx. 250 km, and you can choose sections of the route that fits you. There are also plenty of complementary experiences available along the route; perfect if you wish to have a break from the bike seat a day or two in between. 

Due to the elevation gain the overall route is relatively demanding, although perfectly doable for most cyclists with good fitness level. For families we especially recommend the friendly Vaset - Storefjell area, where the route is situated on a big mountain plateau without many steep hills.



Want to visit Mjølkevegen? Book your next mountain holiday with one of these tour operators.

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